Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Leaving a mark

Now I just want to start off by saying that I have no problem with tattoos-I actually like many of them I have seen. I would even seriously consider getting one myself if I wasn't absolutely terrified of needles. It's just that they're so...well, permanent (duh). So my (totally unsolicited) advice is that you better make sure if you get one that you love it now and you will still love it when you're 85 years old and your grandkids are coming to visit you at the retirement community. I mean tattoos that kick ass when you're 23 can look ridiculous when you're older. I got to thinking about this a few weeks ago because summer is in full swing and that means everyone is showing some skin (and some ink). There was a lady who came through my line who seemed to be the epitome of a cute, preppy little pregnant lady. She spoke in a soft voice and her hair was tied back in a neat little bun, wearing glasses, dressed in a nice button up shirt and khaki shorts--my first impression was that she was a school teacher or a librarian. Then I glanced down as I was loading the groceries into her cart and saw that she had a barbed-wire tattoo around her ankle. Not that she couldn't have still been a teacher or librarian because she had a tattoo but it sort of changed the image I had of her. Carrie also recently got a tattoo and it's really, really cute! And she was also really smart about it because she got it on her foot so people can see it in the summer when she wears flip flops but she can always cover it up if she wants to and it's also something that has sentimental value to her--so it means something to her and she won't get sick of later on. I guess the moral of the story is think before you ink and make sure you consider all the relevant factors before you get a tattoo.  And don't judge a book by its cover.

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