Tuesday, February 1, 2011

From the Bottom Up

I have come to the conclusion that I'm really bad at my job. I don't know that I necessarily feel bad about it--it's just sort of a statement of fact. This was made really clear to me when a customer came through my line the other day and told me he had 4 cases of soda on the bottom of his shopping cart. The 12 packs of soda were on sale for something like 4 for $10.00. He asked if he needed to lift them up or if I could just scan them from the bottom of the cart. I told him he could just leave them on the bottom of the cart and I would scan them using the scanner guns we have at the register. So I just continued scanning the rest of his order and I completely forgot about his 4 packs of soda! Later on that night another customer came through and as I scanned their soda I realized, "Damn it! I forgot to ring up that other guy's soda! Well he saved $10 and the company lost $10. I was thinking about this and I know there are some cashiers I work with who do care about their jobs. I guess I wished I cared more or that I was motivated to do better--but I'm really not.

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