Yesterday I wrote about a few of the stupidest things I have done as a cashier. Today I wanted to write about a few of the funny things customers have done when they aren't paying attention.
There was a customer who came through my line with a medium sized order and everything went fine. We got to the end of the order and there were no problems and she paid using her debit card. She slide her card through and put in her pin number. At the end of the transaction the machine where you slide your card asks the customer to select yes to verify that the transaction is for the correct amount and that also authorizes that amount to be withdrawn from their bank account. So I said to her, "Could you hit yes, please?" She looked at the screen in front of her for a second, then looked back up at me with a slightly confused look on her face. She was quiet for a second and then she said, ''There isn't a 'yes please' button on the screen." "No," I told her, "I said please--you just have to press 'yes' on the screen." She laughed and said, "I'm sorry its been a long day." We've all had days like that! Hee hee!
Take care and happy shopping!
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