ok...maybe hate is a strong word but there are definite signals that you have annoyed your cashier.
1. You can tell your cashier hates you if they shake up your soda as they send it down the conveyor belt. When I roll a bottle of soda down the conveyor belt like I would roll a bowling ball down a bowling alley it is generally because I don't like you. I am imaging the customer I don't like opening the bottle when they get home and having soda all over the place--now I know the shaken up soda has probably settled back down by the time the customer gets around to opening it but shaking up the bottle makes me feel better. And of course I don't (always) literally mean that I shake up their bottle of soda--what I'm really talking about is the way the cashier handles your groceries in general. I think as a general rule the nicer the customer is the more care I take with the groceries. When I don't like a customer as much all the groceries tend to go down the conveyor belt as I scan them and if I happen to scan a soft load of bread and then a 5 lb. bag of potatoes comes down the belt right after that and squishes the bread--well, that's just bad luck for you, isn't it? if I like a customer I take the extra time to set their loaf of bread or carton of eggs to the side and out of the way of the heavier groceries coming down the belt.
2. Don't underestimate the importance of body language...This one is pretty simple. Is your cashier smiling? Is your cashier looking at you? Is your cashier talking to you? If the answer to any of these questions is no they might not like you that much or you have done something to piss them off. Sometimes, you can tell your cashier doesn't like you if they don't talk to you. If a customer is friendly and pleasant I will generally make pleasant small talk. If I don't like a customer I am totally silent and don't make eye contact. I am silent because I am biting my tongue to stop my self from saying something rude. I just scan there groceries fast because I want to get them out of there. If they ask questions I give one word answers. Now there are some cashiers who just don't smile or talk to any of the customers. There are some cashiers who are very nice to a customer and then will bitch about the customer the second they leave so take this with a grain of salt.
Now, of course these are just general guidelines...sometimes a cashier may just be in a bad mood and it has absolutely nothing to do with the customer so the next time you're at the store and you ask your cashier a question don't think they hate you just because they give you a one word answer.
Being a cashier sucks. I get it. I'm one to. But all you seem to do here is bitch and complain. Wah wah wah woe is me 5 things I hate about being a cashier. Shaking a bottle of soda? How childish. If I ever get the pleasure of being your customer, I will relish the chance to piss you off because it affects you so damn much. Grow a thick skin brah. It's retail.